Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Keeping My Cool!

My morning started off on a bad note. I went to the office and asked for a cup so that I can have my usual cup of morning tea. I was told they were only given out to staff because the students here at Lincoln had a tendency of leaving cups all over the counter and often did not clean up after themselves. I sort of lost my cool and told the personnel that was a "Very Weak" excuse. Afterall, we are all adults and should know how to clean up after ourselves. I let that situation get the best of me, and I even vented my frustrations to a few fellow students.

By the end of the day, I realized there might be a slim posibility of truth to the explaination that was given to me earlier in the day. I decided to do as I have always done and pack a cup in my backpack so I can remain my cool throughout the day. Later during the day I went to the restroom and found there were no seat covers. I considered going to the same desk and inquire as to whether or not we would have to start bringing our own. Instead, I intentionally left my lunch trash on the counter, which I know was a childish thing to do, but boy did that feel good.

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